Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Pancake Day

Today is Shrove Tuesday, which in England means one thing........Pancake Day. Pancakes are not a big thing in England, not like here. We have them one day a year, today, on pancake day. When I was a child, we would have them at school for lunch and then my Dad would make them for us in the evening for supper. It was such an exciting day, I have very fond memories.

So today I am getting ready for the Oompa Loompas to get back from school so that we can make them for supper.

They are very different from American pancakes, firstly they do not rise, so they are very thin and flat, (more like a crepe). Secondly you have to flip them in the pan, a few always end up on the floor and thirdly, we put lemon juice and sugar on them or a dollop of Nutella. So exciting, can't wait for them to get home.